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Novello Skin

Tear Trough Filler

Dark circles, lines and sunken appearance under the eyes can contribute to tired and aged look, sometimes despite adequate rest. The causes of tear trough deformity can include ethnicity, volume loss with age, skin laxity and changes in skin thickness, hyperpigmentation and prominent superficial veins. All of these factors can contribute to the illusion of depth in the tear trough area.

Tear Trough Filler


At Novello Skin, we perform tear trough fillers using techniques that produce the most natural results possible, leaving patients looking rested and feeling revitalised. Tear trough fillers are one of the most popular non-surgical aesthetic treatments for people troubled by tired-looking eyes.

Tear Trough rejuvenation with dermal fillers involves a series of micro-injections that are placed along the line of the hollow by the practitioner. The area is then gently massaged to ensure the gel is evenly distributed. This results in a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance via natural correction.

Tear Trough Filler


When do I notice the results and how long do they last?

The results are evident immediately after the procedure with results for up to 12 months. Your medical practitioner will provide you with advice, needed.

Is there any downtime?

The treatment takes approximately 30 minutes after the numbing cream application. You can return to your normal activities straight away. It is recommended to avoid application of make-up for 24 hours after the procedure. Some swelling around the treated area can be observed for several days after treatment. Sometimes bruising is possible.

Do tear trough fillers hurt?

Many people find their procedure more comfortable than expected and rate it 0-1 on the discomfort scale of 10. Numbing cream is applied prior to the injections. In fact, most dermal fillers contain a local anaesthetic.It is important to establish if a patient has any allergic to any anaesthetics during an initial consultation.



Conditions Treated By

Tear Trough Filler

This treatment will give great results for the conditions listed opposite.

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