Stretch marks are narrow, initially red in colour lines, distributed over the skin surface. They appear not only due to weight gain or loss but also due to rapid growth stages during puberty. They change to lighter, pale silver colour eventually and become less prominent, however it is better to treat them whilst they are fresh.
Stretch marks can appear anywhere where the skin has been stretched. The most common areas of the body are those with fat storage, such as the stomach, breasts, thighs, buttocks and the upper arms. As weight increases, the skin is stretched and the middle layer tear so that deeper skin layers and blood vessels show through.
Stretch marks also affect women during the later stages of pregnancy as the baby grows. Although pregnancy stretch marks are reduced after childbirth, they may not disappear completely.
At Novello Skin we offer non-invasive, effective options to treat stretch marks. To find out more, please book no obligation, initial consultation with one of our highly trained practitioners.
The below treatments will treat this condition to give the very best result.