The skin around the eyes is the thinnest on the entire body. This area reflects the first symptoms of aging via loss of elasticity, dehydration and wrinkles. More and more people are looking for non-surgical solutions with reduced downtime and effective results.
Non-Surgical eyelift treatment is available, using Plasma BT Surgical™ system to lift and firm the skin around the eye. This produces long-lasting results without sutures or incision. Feel lifted – in more ways than one.
Plasma is an advanced atmospheric pressure plasma technology. An ionised gas with electrical energy, plasma works throughout the surface of the skin to the epidermal layer, targeting various skin concerns from fine lines to the inflammatory process caused by acne and rosacea.
It has an outstanding effect on the skin, increasing skin elasticity via collagen production, balancing oil production, sterilising the skin and destroying bacteria. The treatment can also dramatically increase the absorption of cosmeceutical products, making them work more effectively without the need for injections.
A needle is used to target the plasma very precisely in the area required. This treatment uses a process known as ‘sublimation’ to effectively treat a variety of skin problems, as well as triggering collagen renewal.
There is a period of 5 – 7 days of recovery time following the procedure, with crust formation common in this time. Some redness can be observed afterwards. This should be taken into consideration prior to your treatment and discussed with your practitioner during the initial consultation.
The treatment can involve some discomfort, although it depends on the area being treated. If the Plasma Surgical is used for non-surgical eye lift, as the delicate eye skin is more sensitive, treatment is more intense. In this case, a local anaesthetic cream is used to reduce sensitivity.
Results are not instant, as it takes a little time for the skin’s renewal and healing processes to work.
After eye lift treatment, collagen synthesis and skin tightening happen gradually over a period of around 6 weeks. The number of treatments depends on many factors, such as anatomy features, the amount of loose skin and skin type.
This treatment will give great results for the conditions listed opposite.