Stretch marks are usually thin lines which appear on the surface of the skin and are often red in colour. Stretch marks appear not only to the weight gain or loss, but also due to rapid growth stages during puberty. They change to a lighter, pale silver colour eventually and become less prominent, however, it is better to treat them while they are fresh.
Stretch marks can appear anywhere where the skin has been stretched. The most common areas if the body for them to appear are those with fat storage, such as the stomach, breasts, thighs, buttocks and upper arms. As weight increases, the skin is stretched and the middle layer tears, so that deeper skin layers and blood vessels show through. This happens to women who go through pregnancy as the baby grows, leaving stretch marks on the stomach.
At Novello Skin we offer non-invasive, effective options to treat stretch marks. To find out more, please book no-obligation, initial consultation with our qualified and experienced practitioner.
Medical micro-needling with mesotherapy is a non-invasive skin regeneration and scar repair procedure for smoother, brighter, healthier and younger-looking skin through collagen stimulation. We use the multi-award winning EDS® (e-Dermastamp) system, proven to improve skin quality.
PLATELET RICH PLASMA (PRP) THERAPY is a very simple and safe procedure where blood is taken from the patient just like in a regular blood test. This treatment promotes your own collagen to grow, regenerates tissue, and thus acts to naturally smooth and tighten the skin. In this way, PRP softens wrinkles and creates smoother skin texture and tone.
PLASMA BT® uses the science of plasma- the fourth state of matter, beneficial for the skin regeneration process through collagen and elastin stimulation to lead the skin lifting and tightening.
DERMALUX® LED phototherapy treatment stimulates the skin’s natural repair processes to promote healthy-looking skin, accelerate cell renewal and resolve a range of skin concerns. It can be used in conjunction with other therapies for more advanced results.
With a thorough consultation, we can identify the best course of action to reduce the appearance of stretch marks on the body. Using one of the above treatments, we can adapt non-invasive techniques to help remedy the unwanted marks on your skin for smoother, healthier-looking finish.
Depending on which procedure we decide is best for you in your consultation, we may also suggest a course of treatments. This will be to produce the best possible results for you as the skin takes time to heal.
At Novello Skin, we pride ourselves on providing results that you’ll love. With our experienced and professional team, we can make sure that you get the treatment that’s that are right for you and your body.